
How to Continue to Communication

  • This is a reminder that once Rtis/Realtime replaces Bistrack it is essential that verbal and other ways you communicated whilst using Bistrack that these CONTINUE

  • Rtis/Realtime is a new computer system to support Intelligent doors keeping all process and the journey of a customers order all in one place here is a link to the Welcome to Realtime v1.7

  • Rtis/Realtime does NOT replace communication that currently takes place unless instructed otherwise

  • Throughout the individual Process documents reminders are included about which departments may be affected by certain actions, below is an example of how valuable communication is to ensure a seamless process for the business ensuring the customer receives their order on time

    Communication is key in our business – don’t forget to TALK and share information with teams that are affected by changes that are made

Example - Customer requests a date change – Depending on the status of the order the below departments all need to be communicated BEFORE changes are agreed and made.

  • Purchasing

  • Planning

  • Production

  • Despatch /Transport