Contract Delivery

How to view status of call off and production tracking

Follow the below steps to search for delivery dates.

Also check with Purchasing, Planning and Transport to see if any dates are likely to change

Status view of a call off


Select the contract management menu and select call off list selecting your site


New window opens and select the Status view tab


Search for the call off you are looking for


The call off full status are viewable here the due date column is the date the goods are due for delivery this is a week commencing date, speak to transport for actual delivery day 


Admin status – show where the call off is

OTHER Status explained

Purchase Status -

Green = all goods received and complete

Amber = being processed

Material Status - Green = materials received Amber =Po placed Red= Material overdue


Material Picked – Green = all Products picked - Amber = Products part picked ( this will mean there will be goods to follow) - White –not picked yet


Production Complete – This information comes from the scanners in the factory, if your site uses scanning then this field will be relevant Green = All picked


Despatch Status


Invoice Status


Bristrack Ref – This is for Grangemouth use onlythis show the Bistrack No the customer has been invoiced on


C/C Status


Production completion=


Scheduled despatched = when transport schedule calls off for despatching this updates this status

  • None – transport have not planned anything
  • New = this is a new call off and no communication has taken place yet with the customer
  • Provisional = customer has been contacted by contract delivery and has confirmed they are ready to accept delivery as per the week commencing date – Transport has not yet agreed what day this will be delivered
  • Scheduled despatch = Transport has planned to delivery on this day however the customer has not yet confirmed they can accept delivery on this day 
  • Confirmed= Transport has checked in with customer and they have confirmed to receive delivery on this day 


Scheduled despatched date = this will be populated with the date transport has scheduled


Despatched status = this when the call off has been despatch in Rtis

  • None = nothing despatched in Rtis
  • Part= the call off has been part despatched in Rtis this means that there will be a balance /goods to follow
  • All= all goods have been despatched in Rtis

Invoice status= shows status if invoiced or not

  • None= not invoiced
  • Part= only part invoiced
  • All=all goods on call off invoiced

C/C Status= credit control status

  • Blank= no credit control hold
  • Allow purchasing = will only allow the call off to be progress as far as purchasing
  • Allow manufacturing = will only allow the call off to progress as far as production
  • Full Stop= the call off will not be allowed to commit
  • Released = this means the call off was previously on credit hold and this call off has been

Manu.Site= this shows the site where the call off is to be manufactured

Doorset Production tracking – view progress through production


Select Doorset production from the menu and select your branch


This opens new window search for the call off you are wanting to track


Colour codes used as the material makes its way around the scanning workstations


  • These columns will populate as the material progresses through production.
  • Any grey areas are where the production process is not required for this call off