How to view and Understand Planning Management information v2.4
There are several features in this planning management view which can be customised and useful
- Columns can be dragged and dropped to a different location
- Columns can be removed by left clicking, holding and dropping above the column header
- An excel export is available by selecting the excel export tab
To view planning management from the Planning menu, select the Planning Management folder and branch
This opens the planning management view each column`s detail is explained below
- Call off Prod Batch – this is the call off number first 4 digits followed by the batch number – no batch number means the call off has not been committed and cannot be planned
- No Batches – states the No of batches for the call off
- Bal – is short for Balances if all items on the call off have not been despatched a tick appears in the box and is highted in yellow
- Customer – customers name
- Site – site name
- Call off Description – details of the call off i.e., plot No`s
- Planner Status – this is a custom column and the codes and colours ae unique to the site – speak to site planner for a list of what these mean
- Planning comments – this is a free text box and is used by the planner and other agreed departments speak to site planner for how this is used and any break down of codes used
- Cont.Man – this is short for Contract Manager; this is the initials of the contract manager who set up the contract
- Spec Status – this will state either.
complete – which means the customer has signed of the specification
None – means awaiting customer sign off, communicate with the contract manager to find how why this is not complete
- To Purchasing Deadline – this column will flag up any issues with purchasing, dates appear when stock has been ordered to fulfil the order and needs to arrive on a certain date to complete the order on time
- Admin Status - there are several statuses which are driven by processes completed at the call off level which reflect in here these are
Issued to purchasing – Contract manager has issued the call off to purchasing and the call off is committed
Processing – Contract manager is currently processing the call off and has NOT been committed
Direct Dly – Purchasing have marked this as a direct delivery which means the supplier will deliver direct to the customer
Issued to Factory – The printed paperwork has been issued to the factory ready to start production
Provisional – this is the default setting that all call off`s start at
Sent for approval – Contract manager has sent off to customer a copy of their specification for them to approve this has NOT been committed
- Doorset Start week – this date is the date when the work is planned for
- Proposed production week – this should be blank unless the authorised planner changes this date
- Completion week – date here is the week the call off is to be completed
- Proposed completion week - this should be blank unless the authorised planner changes this date
- For Deliver WC – date here is the week commencing when the call off is to be delivered – for exact delivery date speak with planner/transport
- Scheduled Delivery - this should be blank unless the authorised planner changes this date
- Cust, Req, Date – date here is when the customer wants the goods delivering
- Forecast invoice date – this column must always have a date if there is no date the planner will need to rectify these otherwise goods cannot be despatched
- Forecast invoice month – details the month the customer will be invoice
- Prod. Status – choices here are all/part/none – this is driven by scanning if no scanning has been completed this will remain blank
- O/S Value – value of the call off
- PD – this column shows the QTY of doors to be manufactured
- PF - this column shows the QTY of frames to be manufactured
- PGO – Production Glass opening
- Screens - this column shows the QTY of screens to be manufactured
- Manual Qty – this is only to be used as a forecast tool, before it is scheduled, this will be updated by the scheduler
This view is set out by the site to show what is being manufactured on a particular day
a. Each day
b. No Call offs
c. Total value for the day
d. Qty of doors/frames/screens planned for manufacture
This view shows all call offs NOT planned; planner will communicate with contract manager/purchasing to resolve reasons why these are not ready to be planned
a. 01/01/01 - means not planned
b. Bal – These are balances still to follow
c. Planner Status – needs attention from planner/contract manager/purchasing
d. Comments – many needs addressing so planning can proceed
e. Spec status - many need addressing so planning can proceed
f. Many columns with no data - many need addressing so planning can proceed
g. Dates - means not planned