Stock Control

How to GRN (receipt of delivered goods)

  • How to GRN goods received steps 1 to 9
  • How to scan and attach the delivery note to the Purchase order follow step 10

From the stock control menu select PO deliveries your branch


Select the drop-down arrow next to add and select add GRN


New window opens search in the PO Number field for the PO related to goods received and click on the word select


Pop up appears and asks if you want to create a new delivery for PO call off select Yes to continue


Select raise GRN (in red on the far-right hand side)


In the qty to process column enter the qty received and select process and save


Take a note of the GRN number and write this on the delivery note


Select the correct status from the drop-down arrow in PO Status

  • If all goods arrived select closed
  • Choose different status to reflect correct situation with the goods

Select the correct status from the drop down arrow next to Del status

Select complete if this completes the PO

  • Select other status that reflects the state of the goods if not complete

Save and Exit

How to save and attach delivery note to PO


Scan deliveries note and save in the W Drive >Supplier Delivery Notes >Pending folder with the following naming convention 

  • PO Number _GRN Number example here GH045742_102394

Rtis runs a programme every 10 minutes and this will auto save the Delivery note to the purchase order


File the hard copy of the delivery note away