How to Despatch when goods to follow - Bradford only
- In Bradford a loading sheet is created before despatch takes place
- Once a loading sheet has been created, marking goods as to follow requires the goods to be first be taken off the despatch and start the process again
How to remove the Goods off the despatch
Search for call off click on line and select edit ( not using the drop down arrow )
Select despatch manager this opens despatch assigner
From within the Doorsets on despatch D1234 – lower half of the screen from the select tab drop down arrow select doors and frames this activates in red the un-assign tab select this, repeat the same for the loose items this takes the items all off the despatch
Now proceed with the despatching with goods to follow
Select the select O/S tab
In the view below deselect the doors /items to follow be removing the tick in the doors or frame columns
Check that the doors/stock has reduced by the number to follow as shown in screen
Select in red the tabs that say assign xx sets 2 frames to Dxxx
Also select if there are loose items to process these too will be in RED assign xxx to D xxxx
Check the items that are to follow are NOT highlighted in green
Select the green exit button with the tick, this will return you to the shipping screen
select the undespatched items tab to view the items to follow
Select the despatch tab to continue with the shipping
Select add shipment
Select the date the goods will be delivered
Select the haulier
Add in the pallet qty field the number of pallets used
In the notes field enter qty of items to follow
Select the + add to shipment
Ensure and check that everything from the 2 ship columns turn green except anything to follow
Select the +next to the create shipment
This creates the despatch note select the print shipment note tab
View despatch note
Check the despatch note to ensure the to follow items and the summary info is correct
Print two copies of the despatch note as normal copy for customer copy to be signed by customer and returned as POD