How to Save a POD and Invoice
Check POD status
Before invoicing calculate costs steps 10-14
How to save POD to the Despatch note follow steps 1 to 9
How to - Invoice once POD received - follow steps 10 to 31
how to complete any Invoicing required through Bistrack TT add
How and where to save a POD
Collect POD daily from Transport
Check POD is signed and there are no comments or crossings out – any comments need investigating immediately
Scan POD and save in the W Drive >Customer POD >Pending folder with the following naming convention
Call off Number _Despatch notes number example here 3583_D7827
How to attach POD to despatch Note
From the despatch/invoicing menu select despatch list Grangemouth
Search for call off click on the call off line and select Edit
Despatch note opens in the POD field select the +
This takes you to your folders go to the W drive> customer POD> pending and select the already saved POD
This attaches in the POD field click on the … to ensure the correct copy is attached
Save and save and exit
How to invoice a customer one the above steps have been followed
Before invoicing can take place, we must ensure that costs have been calculated and added to invoices continue with the following steps to completed this
From contract management menu select call off list search and open the call off
Select call off tab
New window opens - Ensure the correct call off is selected from the left-hand side of call offs
Far right in the call off red area select the call off costs tab this tab has lines around it whilst it is updating as soon as these disappear save and exit
From the despatch and invoicing menu select invoicing list Grangemouth
Select the drop-down arrow next to add select add despatch invoice
Search window opens search in the shipment No field using despatch number
Select the … to open new window
Select INV; NEW tab this activates screen ready to invoice
In the invoice details area red right hand side select the … next to the invoice field
This generated the invoice number write this on the despatch note
Select invoice date from drop down arrow
Select post invoice tab
Select Export to NAV
Select send email new window opens with invoice attached to email select send this sends email direct to customer
Select the Recalc Costs tab costs should now show in the costs field if not follow the below steps
Save and exit go back into the invoice to check the costs have now pulled through by following the below steps
Search for call off click on call off line and select the edit tab
Invoice opens check the costs have now pulled through
If costs have not pulled through this needs to be logged in the MS Teams Rtis support group providing full details of call off and where possible a screen shot
Save and exit
In the to invoice comments column enter date emailed to customer
File POD away in call off number order